Commitment to Safety
Our safety goal is “MISSION ZERO” – zero accidents, zero injuries.

Safety is a core value at Equipment Transport. We believe there is always time to do the job right, but most importantly, to do it safely.
Every team member is responsible for ensuring safe operations—it’s a condition of employment at Equipment Transport. We believe that incidents are preventable, and we have policies, processes, and technology in place to assist us in achieving that goal.
Our employees and contractors are expected to operate within safe and controlled conditions and within design and environmental limits. Each team member has the authority and responsibility to stop any work that compromises safety without repercussions. We employ safety professionals at each of our locations help to implement our safety programs and reinforce our safety culture.
RAVS Plus Participant Designation
Equipment Transport was recently awarded the RAVS Plus Participant designation through ISNetworld. RAVS (Review and Verification Services) is a safety compliance standard used to audit safety procedures and test the effectiveness of safety programs. Equipment Transport is proud to carry this designation as a safety-first organization.

Operation Safe Driver
Equipment Transport is proud to partner with the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) to promote and improve commercial vehicle safety. Each year, we recognize Operation Safe Driver Week to reinforce and emphasize our commitment to safe operations and our culture of safety.

Our comprehensive safety management system incorporates numerous measures to protect the safety of our employees.
Hazard and Risk Management
- HSE Software Database
- HSE Management System
- Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Program
- Journey Management Plan Requirements
- Behavioral Based Safety Program
- Near-Miss Reporting System
- Accident Reporting Procedures
- Stop Work Authority
- Samsara Telematics
Training and Policies
- PEC Basic Trainers
- PEC H2S Clear Trainers
- Full-time Safety Managers
- Regular Safety Meetings
- SSE Mentoring Program
- Fatigue Management Program
- Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace Program
Compliance and Verification
- ISNetworld RAVS® Plus Vendor
- Veriforce Preferred Vendor
- JJ Keller Mock DOT audits
- Employee Progressive Discipline Program